
Homemade super simple chicken broth

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Homemade super simple chicken broth

Prep Time: 5 minutes | Cook Time: 19 minutes.

This homemade chicken broth recipe is a keeper and you will love all the many uses you can get out of it! I use chicken broth in some many recipes such as: soups, casseroles, sauces, rice, risotto, and many more everyday recipes.

My recipe is very simple, some people like to also add veggies for additional flavor. Feel free to get creative and use the veggies and herbs that sound good to you!

Homemade vs store-bought

I love making homemade versions of store-bought ingredients because I am able to control the flavors and what goes in them. There’s nothing more pleasant than creating your own meal, yes, it is healthier for sure and also more special 🙂


• 1 pound chicken breast

• 3 cloves garlic

• 4 sprigs fresh thyme

• 2 tablespoons paprika

• 2 tablespoons salt & pepper


1 – Place the chicken in the bottom of a instant pot .Add the rest of the ingredients on top and around the chicken. 

2 –  Cover everything completely with water

3 – Once cooked, carefully remove the chicken from the pot, strain the broth, place into a container.

4 – Use the broth as needed for recipes or store it in the refrigerator for for a few days.


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