
chocolate oats with fruits and pumpkin seeds

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chocolate oats with fruits and pumpkin seeds

I want to share with you my all-time favorite afternoon snack – chocolate oats with fruits and pumpkin seeds.

Oat are a great source of complex carbohydrates, which give us sustained energy throughout the day and helps keep us full. Plus, they’re packed with fiber and essential vitamins and minerals and by adding in some fruit and seeds, we’re boosting the nutritional value even more. Also tricks my sweet tooth, especially during that time of the month when PMS strikes.

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• 20 grams oats

• one scoop of chocolate whey protein by Kaged or any of your favorite flavor

• fresh fruits

• hand full pumpking seeds

• dash cinnamon


1 – To start off, I take 20 grams of oats and add it to a bowl.

2 – Next, I add one scoop of chocolate whey protein by Kaged. You can use any flavor you like.

3 – Now comes the fun part. I add hot water slowly and mix it until I get my desired texture. I prefer a thicker consistency, but you can adjust it to your liking.

4 – Finally, I top it off with fresh fruits, I used blueberries and banana but but feel free to use any fruit that you enjoy. Strawberries and pineapple taste delicious as well.

5 – Lastly, I sprinkle some pumpkin seeds on top for an extra crunch and added nutrition.

Use my link to get an exclusive discount of 15% on Kaged products. Use code: livelongernanda

So there you have it, my go-to afternoon snack – chocolate oats with fruits and pumpkin seeds. Give it a try and let me know how you like it.

Stay healthy, until next time.


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