


I’m Nanda Oliveira, born and raised in Brazil, a mother of two amazing kids, Aiden and Alessandra, and wife to my dear husband, Matt. When we aren’t working or running around with our two busy kids, my husband and I like to have the occasional date night and travel together.

When I’m not teaching, I’m spending time with my family. I have a salty/savory tooth, so I love cooking dinner, which I do just about every night. This means a lot of grocery shopping–fortunately, I really enjoy it! You can find me at the grocery store sometimes four times a week : )

I started exercising at six years old. My early years were filled with various sports and fitness pursuits and I even earned my black belt in karate (Hapkido).

“I’ve always felt my best when I am exercising and taking care of my body”.

Both of my children have developed their own athletic passions, and I love watching Aiden play soccer and Alessandra perform at gymnastics. I also coach them in flexibility and strength training (gotta start them young, right?) ; )

I’ve always been passionate about health & fitness then I decided make it into a career. The Live Longer is probably the most surprising gift life has given to me so far in my career, and I am truly grateful for what it has and continues to become.

Thank you,

Thank you,


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