
How to Cook White Rice

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How to Cook White Rice

Prep Time: 5 minutes | Cook Time: 10 minutes

Please don’t worry, eating white rice is fine!

Rice is one of the most eaten food in our house. My son Aiden is helping me to make the rice 🙂

We love the basmati rice, but really, we will eat any type of white rice.

Brazilian people eat lots of rice. Rice is often served in school lunches. It comes with almost every meal in restaurants. We usually eat rice everyday from Monday – Saturday. Sunday is our Italian day 😉

• Opt for real food as much as you can!


• 2 cups rice

• 4 cups hot water

• 2 tbsp olive oil

• 3 garlic clove

• Celtic sea salt

First: Rinse Rice Before Cooking

It’s importante to rinse those grains to remove the excess starch. You may use a fine mesh strainer. Agitate the grains with your hands as you run water over them. When the water runs clear, you’re done rising.

The ratio for most types of rice, you’ll always use a ratio of 1 cup rice to 2 cups water, which you can scale up or down.


1 – In a medium saucepan over medium heat, add rice, olive oil, garlic and a good amount of salt. 

2 – Stir well for 1 minute and add the hot water.

3 – Lower heat and cook covered, 10 minutes or until rice is tender and water is absorbed.

4 – Remove from heat and let sit covered 5 minutes.

5 – Fluff rice with a fork and serve.

I love to pair it with a green vegetable and protein.


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